Bate Bumbo

Bate Bumbo percussion band was launched in 2003 by Jozi Levi – who was the only person in Turkey playing Brazilian percussion and rhythms for a long period – and his valuable musician friends. With Bate Bumbo’s formation, which has a big importance on Jozi Levi to be awarded as an “Officer” with Brasil’s one of the most important honorific order, “Ordem de Rio Branco”, the first percussion band playing Brazil’s Rio de Janerio carnaval rhythms in Turkey, was born. With evolution over time and with the participation of some of his students, the band took its current line-up.

Bate Bumbo is a cheerful band with members ranging between 12 to 20 professional percussionists. In their shows, many conventional percussion instruments as well as creative materials such as corporate promotional items, metals, bottles, sticks, plastic packaging materials, auto wheel rims etc. can be used depending on customer demands.

One of the strong features of Bate Bumbo is that authentic Brazilian percussion instruments such as Repinique, Surdo, Agogo, Pandeiro, Tamborim, Cuica, Caixa, Reco-Reco, Chocalho, Ganza are played in their shows and the band does not need a PA sound system. The band not only performs on stage; their specialty of being able to perform off stage, on a moving truck, walking in & playing among the audience as in a street carnaval, makes Bate Bumbo more flexible and original than most of other percussion bands.



HTC ile Flash Mob – Turkcell Elçiler Zirvesi


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Bate Bumbo Tanıtım Videosu - 1

Bate Bumbo Tanıtım Videosu - 2


Jozi Levi 2015